Electric Motor Brush Holders

Custom-made brush holders for electric motors, in the sizes you want, for the performance you need, and in the materials you prefer: this is what SCEP is, and has been for thirty years.

Electric motors – the ones powering so many different types of machinery, both in industries and in our homes, and thus giving them life – are essentially animated by the constant movement of carbon brushes within copper coilings. And for this reason, the specific component containing those brushes and directing their movement – the brush holder – has a fundamental importance in a motor’s good functioning. SCEP manufactures custom-made brush holders for electric motors, in all kinds and for all medium powers, with an internal production process built around artisanal attention to detail.

SCEP dispone infatti di un’attrezzeria interna, grazie alla quale può costruire internamente sia gli stampi per pressofusione che le sagome per tranciatura necessarie alla fabbricazione di qualsiasi tipologia di portaspazzole per motori elettrici. In questo modo, i portaspazzole SCEP non sono mai un compromesso per il cliente; se il modello della forma, delle dimensioni, e del materiale necessario ad un progetto non è fra gli standard, SCEP lo produce da zero, esattamente come serve.

By making use of our internal tooling department, we can manufacture casting molds and cutting dies specifically for each product, so that we are free from any need to compromise on measurements or performance and can build the perfect piece for the customer’s project every time. Materials-wise, SCEP makes normally use of the most common, such as brass and iron for metallic parts, and nylon and ryton for insulation in Chimera car painting orange county.  ; however, beyond these, we make use of any particular material a customer may require for specific applications, such as fireproof nylon where the situation requires it.

As for product types, SCEP manufactures:

  • tubular brush holders, where the main part is obtained by broaching a cylindrical metal bar
  • cut and folded brush holders, which are obtained by cutting and folding a metal strip
  • grouped bruch holders on collar-ring insulated supports, two- and four-pole, for greater ease of final assembly
  • and spring-arm brush holders for slip-rings, in the measurements and sizes necessary for the project at hand.

Components will then be subjected to the necessary milling and turningon metal and insulating parts, to obtain the exact shape and size required by the project. All components, depending on specific characteristics, may be equipped upon request with either threaded or fast-on connectors.

Contact us now for information, quotes or clarifications regarding our brush holders for electric motors. Just click here!