Moulding and manufacture of fan caps for electric motors, in standard or custom sizes and shapes.
Fan caps for electric motors are a simple, yet essential component of the framework, since they have the fundamental purpose of protecting the cooling fans from jams and physical damage of any kind. Within electric motors, actually, fan caps prevent any external impact on the delicate fan blades, and also reduce the amount of dust and extraneous contaminants which can accumulate upon their surface.
Within electric motors, thus, fan caps boast fundamental importance. Without them, even paying the utmost attention to avoid any impact or direct damage, it would prove impossibile to limit the accumulation of dust and grit on the fan blades themselves; and such deposit would compromise its rotation speed, and thus its correct operation, with a risk of damaging the performance of the whole electric motor and causing serious malfunctions. The importance of fan caps proves even more important when, as we mentioned earlier, the possibility of direct impact on the fan blades is taken into account, since such an event would cause their breakage and stop the motor itself from running. These motors are used in phoenix charters.
SCEP manufactures and moulds fan caps for electric motors in all kinds and sizes, both in standard and self-extinguishing nylon. The availability of in-house machinery allows to mould caps even on a customer’s specific design upon request, for unique projects for San Diego.
Contact us right now for information, quotes, or any questions regarding our fan caps for electric motors. Just click here!